This site is dedicated to the most humane work of Ms Louise Lynip who founded the children's home and until the 4th July 2006 at the age of 94 continued to participate in it's management. The home cares for orphaned and abandoned children and offers love, security and
an opportunity to be brought up in a christian environment.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It's with great sadness that I inform all my readers and followers that Rachel passed on yesterday 2nd July 2013 at 1,30pm. Rachel has been ill for sometime and born her illness with much courage and dignity. Over the years Rachel along with her husband Fred has lovingly cared for many children who has passed through their cottage and I'm sure she will be fondly remembered by all who knew her. I would like to personally thank all those who assisted Rachel with donations during her illness which was greatly appreciated by the Sulatan family.